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MySQL is an open source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) based on the client-server model. RDBMS is a software or service used to create and manage databases in the form of managing relationships between them. MySQL is one of the most popular database management systems in the world and is popular with developers during application development.

Since 1994, an autonomous group of developers has been working on MySQL. Oracle Corporation has owned and developed MySQL since 2010. MySQL is appropriate for applications with CSDL access over the Internet due to its great speed and security. MySQL can be downloaded for free from the MySQL website.


Main functions

Data can be stored and accessed using a variety of methods, including CSV, InnoDB, and NDB. MySQL may also replicate data and divide tables for improved performance and durability. MySQL users do not need to learn new instructions to access their data; instead, they can use regular SQL commands.

MySQL is written in accessible C or C++ and is available on over 20 different platforms, including Mac, Unix, Linux, Windows. RDBMS also supports large CSDLs with millions of records on a wide range of data types.

MySQL additionally employs a privileged access and encrypted password scheme, which allows for server-based verification. MySQL clients can connect to MySQL servers via a variety of protocols, including TCP/IP on all platforms. This administration system also supports a number of client programs and utilities, as well as command-line administrative tools such as MySQL Workbench.


Flexible and easy to use

MySQL supports a large number of embedded applications that make MySQL so flexible. You can edit the source code to meet your needs without paying any cost.

MySQL is also very easy to use. With basic knowledge of SQL, you can build and interact with MySQL with just a few simple SQL sentences.

High performance

Many server clusters use MySQL. Whether you’re storing big data from e-commerce sites or heavy business activities related to information technology, MySQL can respond fast, smoothly.

Compatible with multiple operating systems

MySQL is compatible to run on many operating systems such as Novell NetWare, Windows * Linux *, many UNIX * types. MySQL also provides a means by which clients can run on the same computer as the server or on another computer (transfer via a local network or the Internet).


Data security has always been the most important issue when choosing RDBMS software. With decentralized access and account management, MySQL sets very high security standards. Encryption of login and authentication from host is available.